bringing intelligence to energy operations

Real-time information for decision-making support in electric power companies using computational intelligence.
The management of emergency operations is affected by the difficulty of accessing real-time data and information. Decisions in electric power sector companies are often based on insufficient and outdated data, without prior analysis of the impact of actions on post-operation indicators.
Insufficient quality indicators, financial compensations, high operational costs, and low quality of customer service.
Visualizar os dados através de grids, mapas e dashboards com os principais indicadores gerenciais e operacionais, em tempo real e em visão histórica. Intellergy combines big data analysis with computational intelligence to:

Receive and collect data from multiple sources in real time;

Build, implement, and support operational rules;

Trigger alerts and commands in other systems through real-time data cross-referencing;

Visualize data through grids, maps, and dashboards with key management and operational indicators, both in real time and historical views;

Provide relevant information to support and guide operational teams in field work, through mobile applications.

Intellergy provides real-time information and historical insights to operational hub managers, COS/COD operators, and post-operation supervisors by integrating data from various sources and applying computational intelligence, enabling:

Leveraging emergency services (and others) to optimize customer service, establishing more efficient services and operations.

Accessing and visualizing all relevant data and insights in real time for coordination of actions, decision-making, and operational control.

Automating human decisions for incident closure, prioritization, and automatic dispatch in real time.

Concatenating multiple fragmented business processes across different systems into an integrated and scalable platform.

Supporting the company during crises with analysis and decision-making based on computational intelligence, optimizing team coordination and mobilization for more effective problem-solving, and identifying critical customers and imminent dangers.

Palavras de nossos parceiros

Rui Mano - International Sales